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      1. 国产亚洲Av综合人人澡精品,激情国产原创在线观看,夜夜春成人产品,亚洲TV

        • Harley-Davidson
        • Harley-Davidson
        Drawing Machine
        Home > Product > Drawing Machine
        drawing machine

        drawing machine

        Product Classification:Drawing Machine

        Home price:¥0.00

        Functional overview:

        product details

        NCB series single-action thin strip drawing machine is mainly used for ensile forming, bending, flanging and pressure blanking, etc. The metal thin-strip deep drawing press can also be used for hot forming of non-metal materials. Single-action thin-strip drawing machine produced by the company has the following features:

        1. Adoption of welding type frame structure, aging treatment, with advantages of large rigidity and small deformation;
        2. Upper and lower working benches made from nodular cast iron, with small deformation;
        3. Vibration-absorption facilities are adopted in hydraulic system to reduce hydraulic impact and ensure precision of facilities;
        4. Adoption of PLC control and human-machine interface for convenient operation;
        5. Equipped with vernier facilities for position control and extremely convenient operations.

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        • Equipment warranty is one year

          Equipment warranty is one year

          Failure during the warranty period, will be repaired free of charge

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          We guarantee the quality of our products. Please feel free to buy them.

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